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Likoria ka ilaj Vaginal Discharge Treatment

Original price was: ₨ 3,000.Current price is: ₨ 2,500.

(6 customer reviews)

What is likoria?

Likoria is a white discharge that comes out of a woman’s vagina. It is considered normal and healthy because it is a natural way of vagina shedding its cells and fluids. Moreover, it carries out all the germs and bacteria from the vagina and helps keep the vagina clean and infection-free.

What’s not healthy is if likoria (vaginal discharge) changes its consistency and color. Because this change is often an indication that something may be wrong within a woman’s body.

If you are suffering from leucorrhoea or vaginal discharge that doesn’t look clear, whitish, and odorless then you should consult your gynaecologist and get yourself evaluated.


Likoria ka ilaj Vaginal Discharge Treatment


What is likoria?

Likoria ka ilaj Likoria is a white discharge that comes out of a woman’s vagina. It is considered normal and healthy because it is a natural way of vagina shedding its cells and fluids. Moreover, it carries out all the germs and bacteria from the vagina and helps keep the vagina clean and infection-free.

What’s not healthy is if likoria (vaginal discharge) changes its consistency and color. Because this change is often an indication that something may be wrong within a woman’s body.

If you are suffering from leucorrhoea or vaginal discharge that doesn’t look clear, whitish, and odorless then you should consult your gynaecologist and get yourself evaluated.

What are the causes of likoria?

Some possible likoria causes are:

  • If you start seeing white discharge (likoria) that is thin, slippery, stretchy and odorless right before your  begins then it is a normal part of your menstrual cycle. It isn’t indicating any abnormality but it is just a way of your vagina to shed its cells and fluids.
  • Likoria or white discharge is also considered an early sign of pregnancy. You may not be able to identify the difference between normal discharge and discharge from pregnancy since it is only slightly thicker than your normal discharge.
  • Birth control pills may imbalance your hormonal levels which leads to likoria or white discharge from the vagina. If this discharge makes you feel uncomfortable then you should see a gynaecologist and change your contraceptive method.
  • Another most common cause of likoria is a  in your vagina. Studies show that yeast infections usually occur right before your period. These infections cause burning and itching in your vulva and vagina. Vaginal discharge caused by yeast infections may look and feel like runny cottage cheese.
  • STIs and STDs are also one of the causes of vaginal discharge. These infections cause smelly yellowish discharge.
  • Bacterial vaginosis is an infection in which the number of certain bacteria increases in your vagina, which leads to grayish and smelly discharge. This infection usually goes away on its own but if it doesn’t, one may need to take antibiotics to treat it.
  • If your hormonal levels are not in balance due to any reason, it may cause likoria.
  • Lack of cleanliness in genital areas is another reason that may cause likoria.
  • Usage of tight and synthetic undergarments, scented soaps, lotions, bubble baths and douches causes vaginal discharge.
  • Displacement of the uterus leads to vaginal discharge.
  • Excessive stress, , anxiety, and sexual tensions may lead to vaginal discharge aka likoria.
  • Unhealthy diet is another factor that may contribute to causing likoria.
  • Tuberculosis, , diabetes, cervical cancer and pelvic inflammatory disease may also cause vaginal discharge.

What are the symptoms of likoria?

Below is a list of the most common likoria symptoms:

  • Changes in the amount, color and smell of your discharge.
  • Dryness and irritation in the vaginal lining.
  • Itching and discomfort in the vulva and vagina.
  • Soreness on the vulva.
  • Swelling on the vagina.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.
  • Pain while urinating.
  • Bleeding and pain during and after intercourse.
  • Bleeding that isn’t related to your periods.
  • Abnormal skin growth around vagina.

What do different colors of vaginal discharge indicate?

Likoria or leucorrhoea can be found in many different colors. And since every color indicates a different meaning read a guide below to know what the color of your discharge means.

1. Clear:

Clear discharge usually has an egg white light consistency and it is considered as your vagina’s healthy way of expelling dead cells and bacteria.

It occurs when you are ovulating when there is a hormonal change in your body due to , and when you are sexually stimulated.

2. Milky white:

If your discharge ranges from being creamy white to milky white or any other shade of white then it is considered completely normal unless it has a foul smell or unusual consistency.

It is just your vagina’s way of lubricating and cleaning itself.

3. Yellow to green:

Light yellow discharge is considered normal but if your  is in the shade of dark yellow or green then it may be signaling the presence of an infection.

To rule the infection out, visit a gynaecologist and get all necessary exams and tests done.

If the results come out negative and you don’t have any infections then there is a chance that what you eat is influencing the color of your discharge.

4. Pink:

A pink discharge that ranges from being light blushy pink to deeper shades of pink signifies that your menstrual cycle is about to begin. Some women notice a pinkish discharge after intercourse too.

Whereas in some cases a pink discharge indicates an underlying health condition.

5. Red or brown:

Red or brown discharge is completely normal before, during, and right after your period. What’s not normal is if you see a red or brown discharge even after your period is over.

Then this discharge might have an underlying health issue that needs to be ruled out.

6. Grey:

If your vaginal discharge has changed from being clear or white to cloudy grey then you should immediately seek advice from your gynecologist.

Grey discharge is the most common symptom of an infection called bacterial vaginosis. To treat this infection your doctor will prescribe you topical ointments and oral antibiotics.

How can likoria be diagnosed?

To diagnose abnormal vaginal discharge or leukorrhea, gynecologists usually ask a variety of questions. These questions revolve around your recent antibiotic use.

If you have any menopausal symptoms if you are diabetic or a cancer patient if you have a new sexual partner and any other major changes in your life and health.

After getting all their answers, to complete the diagnosis your gynecologist will perform a pelvic exam on you. They will use a speculum to take a closer look at your cervix and vaginal walls. They will also collect a sample of your discharge for testing.

Then they will take a closer look at your discharge under a microscope to diagnose bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, or trichomonas infection.

After the diagnosis is complete and your doctor is well aware of the causes behind your abnormal vaginal discharge they will start the treatment.

How can likoria be treated?

The type of likoria treatment and likoria medicine that will be recommended to you depends on the underlying causes of your vaginal discharge. For example:

  • Bacterial vaginosis is treated with the help of topical creams, ointments and antibiotic pills.
  • Yeast infections can be treated with the help of over the counter antifungal creams. But if your yeast infection keeps coming back then you may need to take antibiotics orally.
  • Trichomonas infection is treated with antibiotic tablets and ointments.
  • Atrophic vaginitis is a result of unstable hormone levels and the treatment that works best for this condition are estrogen tablets, rings and creams.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases can be treated with the help of oral or topical antibiotics. But if STDs keep on recurring your partner may also need the treatment.

Home remedies to treat likoria:

Following are some home remedies that help in treating Leukorrhea (leucorrhoea):

  • Include 200grams of ladyfinger (okra) in your daily diet.
  • Eat two ripe bananas daily.
  • Boil three teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in 1 liter water and drink this water.
  • Drink one glass of fresh cranberry juice everyday. It helps in preventing as well as treating leukorrhea.
  • Soak coriander seeds in some water throughout the night and drink their water on an empty stomach every morning.
  • Drink a cup of cow’s milk with a few drops on neem oil in it every evening.
  • Boil 5 tbsp of rice in 1 liter water and drink this concoction after it cools down.
  • Grind amarnath roots, mix a small amount of it in some water and drink this mixture twice a day.
  • Boil leaves from a walnut tree in water for 15 minutes. Strain it and let it cool down. Now rinse your vagina with this water twice or thrice a day to get relief from likoria.

How to safeguard against likoria?

Following are the preventive measures that one should follow to safeguard against Leukorrhea:

  • Drink water and enough fluids to help toxins flush out of your body.
  • All sugary and spicy foods should be avoided if you have had an infection recently that caused likoria.
  • Reduce or avoid the intake of alcohol.
  • Wash your genitals thoroughly. When bathing make sure that enough water flows around and through your anus and vagina.
  • After urinating make sure to wash and dry your vagina.
  • Wear clean and soft undergarments. Cotton is considered the best material for undergarments.
  • Avoid using scents and lotion in your genital area unnecessarily.
  • If you use contraceptive pills, consider opting for some other birth control method because pills do induce vaginal discharge.
  • Before getting physical with your partner make sure they are free from any kind of infections. And after the meeting make sure to wash yourself up thoroughly.
  • Practise stress reducing exercises or maybe go for a walk everyday.

Leucorrhea Treatment Price in Pakistan :2500/-PKR

6 reviews for Likoria ka ilaj Vaginal Discharge Treatment

  1. Esha Ali

    I love this product, packaging and results.Perfect, easy to apply.

  2. Itx Sana

    Thnx Etsybrand for recommend a right and original product.

  3. Abid Ali

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  4. Hareem Fatima

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  5. Sadia Saeed

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  6. Anni Mazhar

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